Learn SEO from Google - This 32 Pages Guide is Awesome

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is hot topic these days among youngsters and businesses who are new to the subject. Everyone is looking to expand their business by using their websites.

Earlier no one cared about using the website for business. Though, they had one, many never bothered to generate business out of it. However, the competition has made everyone realize that it would be foolish to ignore using website for promoting one's business.

Your website is not only the face of your business online but also a source of new business from around the globe. No matter where your customers are, your website can drive them to you and help you reach those prospects you never thought of.

Why I need to do SEO?

Most of the business owners having websites are reluctant to do search engine optimization for their website, either due to lack of knowledge, ignorance or merely the cost involved in hiring a professional. SEO is an important aspect if you want to really generate any business from your website. A website without SEO is just like a sports bike without wheels.

You have a website, but who is seeing it? This is the first question that you need to ask yourself as a business owner. The answer is SEO. SEO helps in optimizing your website so that Google shows it to relevant audiences searching for your business services and products.

How can I learn SEO?

You can learn SEO by either joining a training program or free training videos online on YouTube. The scope is huge and depends entirely your choice of learning. If you have enough time and some technical bent of mind, you can learn yourself. If not, it's good to join a classroom training program.

How about learning from the boss - the Google?

Yes, in this post, I am sharing with you the most authenticated resource to learn SEO from the boss itself, i.e., Google. Yes, Google provides ample learning material for beginners, students, professionals and business owners to learn SEO.

Here is the link to the 32 pages authenticated SEO learning guide from Google.

Alternatively, you can find it here too -


Look for Search Engine Optimization Started Guide on this page.

This is the most authenticated guide you must refer to if you are learning SEO. Here, Google explains each and every step very clearly with examples and previews.

What better it can be to learn from the creators ? Share your thoughts.


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