Social Media Marketing: 1 Biggest Challenge Global Organizations Face

Social Media Marketing: 1 Biggest Challenge Global Organizations Face

It is no doubt evident that organizations have shifted their focus on social media marketing to promote their businesses and get connected with customers to provide latest information and top notch customer service. The reasons are many. The latest elections and social media campaigns put to use by the political parties triggered a sense of urgency amongst individuals and companies at large to make use of this new digital media platform.

Suddenly, a large number of enterprises have started to make their presence feel online, especially on social media. Many had the websites earlier, but never felt the importance of promoting their website or business on social media or may be many of them were simply unaware. Many thrived in and started the ground work. Due to this, we can observe a quick rise in demand for social media managers and marketing experts.

Large scale enterprises have in-house team for digital marketing who take care of all their online promotional activities including social media marketing. However, in case of small and medium scale companies, many of them do not either feel the need of hiring digital marketers, not have the resource or budget or are ignorant. We can see many organizations give less importance to digital marketing for their business and are happy with what they have.

Now assume many of these organizations have in-house team of experts to manage social media and have hired a few people to do this, still the biggest problems or challenge that many companies are facing is the "Continuity". Social media marketing needs continuous involvement and efforts. It is not a one time activity. Try visiting any of the social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Google+ or LinkedIn prominently) of some of the leading companies and you will find the account is not updated. No posts, tweets older than 6 months gives you the hint about how much the organization gives importance to their online social presence reputation.

The biggest challenge for many organizations is to keep their social media profiles updated and refreshed with latest posts and tweets. But the question is who will do this or in fact who can do this. This requires specialized skills and only an expert social media executive or content marketer can do this. Yes, companies can utilize their existing staff to post updates about their products, services and news about the company. But again, this is limited.

Only specialized content strategists and expert digital marketers can guide organizations to keep their social media profiles in good shape. Remember, your customers are watching you and the first impression is the last impression, be it physical or online. Connect with me if you are an organization who is facing this challenge and feel the urgency of reviving your social presence online.


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